Atlanta DUI Lawyers
- October 4, 2017
- By: Atlanta DUI Lawyer
- Practice
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Atlanta is strict with its DUI law, i.e. driving under the influence of substance. If one is found guilty, the charges can range from as much as $5,000 to $20,000 or the suspension of the convicts driving license for one year for first offense, three years for second offense and up to five years for third offense. The convict is also compelled to enroll in a DUI school for Assessment and Intervention purposes. The Assessment part consists of a one hundred and twenty questions survey, while the intervention part is comprised of 20 hours of study sessions. All are at a cost of $335 paid by the convict.
GA has a wide range of DUI cases;some of these cases are listed as:
- First DUI offense
- Second DUI offense
- Third DUI offense
- Underage DUI
- Marijuana related DUI
- Vehicular homicide
It is advisable not to break any of them. There are serious consequences when one is convicted. It can paralyze ones work, school and even social wellbeing. At a second DUI arrest and conviction, the convict is to give up all license plates of vehicles registered to him or her. This can be very problematic and more problematic especially at the family level if the convict shares vehicle with his family. It can frustrate the coping style of a family especially if they have limited vehicles. The only alternative is to apply for a “Hardship Plate”
For a hardship plate, the convict has to apply and take the application to his or her local tag office. During this period, the family has to cope without the luxury of a car; this is why it is advisable to stay within the limits of DUI rules. It can take up to a week or two before the process can be completed.
Another approach is to swap vehicles. With this, the convict does not need to give up the registered license plates in his name. But this is also on the note that the vehicle is not on lease or on the note that the convict is not paying auto loan on the vehicle.
The method of interaction with an officer on arrest can also aggravate the charges on a DUI offence. Lawyers and experts on DUI case advise as follows:
- Obey the officers instruction to the letter
- Be silent, know your rights. You are not obliged to answer any question. Provide your driver’s license, your proof of insurance and registration as is required by the law.
- You are strongly advised not to testify against yourself. Do not admit to taking alcohol. If you feel you should speak, be neutral, select your words. It is also advised that you limit your speech so that the officer won’t notice impaired speech or the smell of alcohol
- With all politeness, refuse on field sobriety and breathalyzer tests. They are never accurate and will not help your case. You won’t be charged for refusal.
- Never try to run or resist arrest. It will compound your case.
Lawyers in Atlanta make huge sums of money on DUI cases. They even have 24/7 call services and quick response to attend to you. They span the length and breadth of GA. Remember, you have only ten working days to appeal or your driving license will be suspended if your test score is .08. Send a letter of appeal to the Department of Driver’s Services enclosing a check of $150. You will be invited for a hearing within 30-45 days from the day of receipt of your letter.